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The Creative Cottage Bee

Creative artist 

Original art work

Original jewellery creations 

Furniture upcycling

Craft gifts


Creative works

Fairy Lights


Original art work and prints for sale

Handmade Jewellery

Original Jewellery creations for sale that are unique, pretty and affordable


Short stories and novels that are advertised as published.

Upcycling furniture and original decor

Making the best of favourite items with personalised colours and design

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"Of course it's happening inside your head, but why on earth does that mean it is not real?"

Albus Dumbledore; JK Rowling

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Creative Artist

I have an honours degree in the arts, specialising in Modern Art and Aesthetics. I continued my academic studies part time and also have a Masters in Education and an MBA.

I now have made more time to concentrate on the creative, right brained side of me again. I love making earrings with beautiful beads and colours, preferring to work in silver.  I love to paint and go through phases of different shapes, colours and materials.

I have moved on from my cottage, but creativehousebee just doesn't have the same ring to it...



  • Enquires about how to purchase

  • Questions regarding items for sale

  • Jewellery commissions taken and bulk orders possible

Look forward to hearing from you

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©2021 The Creative Cottage Bee

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